FRIDAY February 10th /  21:30-03:00

Where? Bangalo, Roo str 7

Ticket pre-sale: 8 EUR/ student 5 EUR
Ticket at the door: 10 EUR /
Age limit 18+

Rando Arand is an electronic music producer from Tallinn, Estonia with a background in sound design. Arand released his first record on Asphalt Soliloquies back in 2017 and has since gone on to perform live at clubs and festivals around the Baltics. His live sets are always unpredictable and unique, combining broken jazz, dubtechno, breakbeat and jungle with modular synth patches. His “Alles” EP in 2019 sees him join Ali Asker’s LIITHELI imprint who focus on supporting local artists from Estonia’s capital. Following with “Aru” EP in 2022, Arand explored a new “Linki” format. Arand was also one of the hosts at underground venue Ulme located in Tallinn.

HALL (2017), ALLES (2019), ARU (2022) 

Music flow is influenced by well-known duo Marvin Mitt & Indrek Mällo, dj mrds and Sinise Auru Laura .

Facebook event: Elektroonikaõhtu: Rando Arand live ja DJ-d

Viljandi Linn, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Eesti Rahvakultuuri Keskus.